Available Functions
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All of the Telegram Bot API methods are represented by functions of the telegrambot-lib.core
Find the list of the available functions near the bottom of telegrambot-lib.core
Functions Contract
All library functions expect a bot map as their first argument.
Some functions, such as get-me
, only take this single argument.
Most functions are multi-arity with the following options:
Send all parameters in a
map.(let [content {:chat_id -560000000 :text "Greetings!" :parse_mode "MarkdownV2"}] (tbot/send-message mybot content))
Send only the required parameters as simple values.
(let [chat-id -560000000 text "Greetings!"] (tbot/send-message mybot chat-id text))
Send the required parameters as simple values and then
parameters map.(let [chat-id -560000000 text "Greetings!" optional {:parse_mode "MarkdownV2"}] (tbot/send-message mybot chat-id text optional))
Required function parameters are named to match the Telegram Bot API method params.
Refer to the function docstrings or the Telegram Bot API documentation
for the exact names and a complete list of valid optional
Request Format
All telegrambot_lib function calls format the API request to json by default.
In order to specify multipart, such as when you need to upload a file, simply include :content-type :multipart
as part of your map when calling the function.
Set webhook example:
(set-webhook bot {:url "https://my.url.com"
:certificate (clojure.java.io/file "/path/to/cert.pem")
:content-type :multipart})
Generic Function Call
Additionally, there is a generic call
function that may be used to send a request to any Bot API endpoint.
This will come in handy in the rare case when the Telegram Bot API already provides some method that this library
does not yet cover with a function.
;; generic call example
(tbot/call mybot "getMe")
;; generic call example with content
(tbot/call mybot "sendMessage" {:chat_id 280000000 :text "Hello Bot World!"})