Getting and Sending Messages

Clojure library implementation of the Telegram Bot API.

Getting and Sending Messages

Bot Prep

In the Telegram client:

  • Add your bot to a group chat/channel or message it directly, in a private chat.
  • If your bot needs to read all messages, even if the message is not sent to it (directly or via slash commands), make sure to disable the privacy mode or make the bot an “admin” first.

On the side of your bot:

Long Polling

Long polling is simply checking for new updates from the telegram bot servers every so often.

Here is an example of what a polling function could look like:

(def config
  {:timeout 10}) ;the bot api timeout is in seconds

(defn poll-updates
  "Long poll for recent chat messages from Telegram."
   (poll-updates bot nil))

  ([bot offset]
   (let [resp (tbot/get-updates bot {:offset offset
                                     :timeout (:timeout config)})]
     (if (contains? resp :error)
       (log/error "tbot/get-updates error:" (:error resp))

When using the poll method of getting updates, you would probably have some sort of application loop.

  • poll for updates
  • handle each message
  • track the update-id (in order to not process the same message on the next poll)
  • optionally sleep/wait a bit before polling again

That could look something like this:

(def config
  {:sleep 10000}) ;thread/sleep is in milliseconds

(defonce update-id (atom nil))

(defn set-id!
  "Sets the update id to process next as the the passed in `id`."
  (reset! update-id id))

(defn app
  "Retrieve and process chat messages."
  (log/info "bot service started.")

  (loop []
    (log/debug "checking for chat updates.")
    (let [updates (poll-updates bot @update-id)
          messages (:result updates)]

      ;; Check all messages, if any, for commands/keywords.
      (doseq [msg messages]
        ;(some-handle-msg-fn bot msg) ; your fn that decides what to do with each message.

        ;; Increment the next update-id to process.
        (-> msg

      ;; Wait a while before checking for updates again.
      (Thread/sleep (:sleep config)))


See the Telegram BOT API documentation for details on setting up a webhook.

Uploading a file, such as this example below, requires the content-type to be multipart.

;; Custom cert webhook setting example
(set-webhook bot {:url ""
                  :certificate ( "/path/to/cert.pem")
                  :content-type :multipart})

Once setup, your bot will need to listen for updates sending a POST to it.

An example using Compojure:

(ns grossbuchbot.web-handler
  (:require [compojure.core :as cmpj :refer [POST]]
             [defaults :as rmd]
             [json :refer [wrap-json-body wrap-json-response]]]
            <other requirements like `config` or `log`>))


;; NB: The main fn for an incoming `Update` object processing.
(defn handle [update]
  (log/debug "Received update:" update)
  <handle the update and return some `op-result`>)


(def api-routes
  (cmpj/context "/api" []
    (POST "/:token" {{token :token} :route-params
                     update :body}
      (if (= token (config/get-prop :bot-api-token))
        (let [op-result (handle update)]
          <translate the `op-result` to a response map>)
        <return a `404` response map>))))



  (-> (rmd/wrap-defaults api-routes rmd/api-defaults)
      (wrap-json-body {:keywords? true})

  <other web app routes>)

Determining the Chat and User

Regardless of what method (long polling/webhook) you use to get updates, you will get update objects back.

This is an example of the get-updates function return value.

(tbot/get-updates mybot)
{:ok true
 :result [{:update_id 760000018
           :message {:message_id 9
                     :from {:id 280000000, :is_bot false, :first_name "Bill", :last_name "Howe", :username "myusername", :language_code "en"}
                     :chat {:id 280000000, :first_name "Bill", :last_name "Howe", :username "myusername", :type "private"}
                     :date 1602815917
                     :text "Oh hi bot!"}}
          {:update_id 760000010
           :message {:message_id 1
                     :from {:id 123, :is_bot true, :first_name "mybot", :username "my_roboto"}
                     :chat {:id 280000000, :first_name "Bill", :last_name "Howe", :username "myusername", :type "private"}
                     :date 1602813645
                     :text "Hello Bot World!"}}]}

In this case, since we are in a private chat with the bot, the sender (the message > from > id) is either the bot itself or the same as the message chat (the message > chat > id).

Sending a Message into a Chat

Send your message to the target chat_id. Details on the different parameter options here.

;; Option 1: send all `content` as a map
(tbot/send-message mybot {:chat_id 280000000 :text "Oh hi yourself."})

;; Option 2: send only required parameters as simple values
(tbot/send-message mybot 280000000 "Oh hi yourself.")

;; Option 3: send required params as simple values + `optional` params as a map
(tbot/send-message mybot 280000000 "Oh hi yourself." {:disable_notification true})

In all three cases you’ll get a similar response parsed into a Clojure map:

{:ok true
 :result {:message_id 10
          :from {:id 123, :is_bot true, :first_name "mybot", :username "my_roboto"}
          :chat {:id 280000000, :first_name "Bill", :last_name "Howe", :username "myusername", :type "private"}
          :date 1602816282
          :text "Oh hi yourself."}}

Notice the incrementing message_id number. This is useful for keeping track of the message order and which messages have already been processed. Save it and use it later as the get-updates optional offset parameter.